以下哪种使用笔记本电脑的方式存有安全隐患?Which of the following ways of using a laptop computer has potential safety risks?
A.无人看管时,将其锁入侧柜中Lock it in the side cabinet when unattended
B.设置开机口令和屏保口令Set power-on password and screen protection password
C.让笔记本电脑处于无人看管状态Leave the laptop unattended
D.将笔记本电脑放置在安全的位置,确保没有失窃和损毁的危险Place the laptop in a safe place to ensure that there is no danger of theft or damage
上一篇:出差时在机场候机室,需要传输重要文件时,应连接以下哪个 WIFI网络?When you need to transfer important documents in the airport terminal during a business trip, which WIFI network should I connect to?
下一篇:手机上收到的验证码可以发送给朋友吗?Can the verification code received on the mobile phone be sent to a friend?
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