“这种金属在摄氏1500度下才会熔化。”一句的英文表达,哪一项正确? A.The metal melts at 1500°C. B.The metal melts with 1500°C. C.The metal melts under 1500° D.The metal melts on 1500°C.
上一篇:互联网行业的发展离不开三驾马车的支持。这三驾马车分别是( )
下一篇:“必须求出此电阻上的电压和电流。”一句的英文表达,哪一项正确? A.It is necessary to find out the voltage and current of this resistor. B.It is necessary to find out the voltage and current on this resistor. C.It is necessary to find out the voltage and current for this resistor. D.It is necessary to finout the voltage across ancurrent through this resistor.
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- 热门题目: 1.毕业论文选题的原则有() 2.金属结晶时冷却速度越快,结晶 3.()测年技术可用于陶质文物年