口径10米的凯克望远镜已经在夏维夷的莫纳克亚投入运行,那里的星像直径可以小到0."3,请你估算一下用凯克望远镜进行目视观测的极限星等?Recently the Ten-meter Keck telescope began to operate on Mauna Kea (Hawaii),where the diameter of stellar images may be as small as 0".3. Can you evaluate the limiting stellar magnitude for visual observation with this telescope
上一篇:宇宙飞船在一颗直径2 .2千米,平均密度2 .2克/立方厘米的小行星上着陆,这颗小行星在缓慢的自转,宇航员决定用2 .2小时的时间沿着这颗小行星的赤道走一圈,他们的这种想法是否能够实现?A spaceship landed on an asteroid 2 .2 km in diameter with an average density of 2 .2g/cm3 . The asteroid is slowly rotating. The cosmonauts decided to travel along the equator of the asteroid in a rover in 2 .2 hours. Will it be possible for them to do such a thing
下一篇:古诗十九首( )迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女.请问织女星位于哪一个星座 ( )
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.我们什么时候能看到更多的流星 2.下列行星中,卫星最多的是: 3.太阳的年龄约有多大?