太阳的视差为πs = 8". 8 ,具有相同绝对星等的另一颗恒星的视差为π* = 0" .022 ,在晚上能否用肉眼看到这颗星?The sun has a parallax of πs = 8 " .8 , and a star with the same absolute brightness π* =0 " .022 . Is it possible to observe the star at night sky visually
上一篇:来自一颗5等星的光子每秒落在冥王星表面1cm2上的数量为10000个,那么如果使用口径6米的BTA望远镜,在地面上每半小时能够接收到来自一颗20等恒星的多少个光子 On 1 cm2 of Pluto"s surface fall approximately 10,000 photons per second from a star of the fifth magnitude. How many photons would fall on a detector from a star of 20m during half an hour, if BTA at the Earth is used (the diameter of the main mirror is 6m)
下一篇:宇宙飞船在一颗直径2 .2千米,平均密度2 .2克/立方厘米的小行星上着陆,这颗小行星在缓慢的自转,宇航员决定用2 .2小时的时间沿着这颗小行星的赤道走一圈,他们的这种想法是否能够实现?A spaceship landed on an asteroid 2 .2 km in diameter with an average density of 2 .2g/cm3 . The asteroid is slowly rotating. The cosmonauts decided to travel along the equator of the asteroid in a rover in 2 .2 hours. Will it be possible for them to do such a thing
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- 热门题目: 1.地球离太阳距离最近的时候,是 2.哈雷彗星围绕地球的运转周期是 3.升力公式L=12pv2CLS