为什么射电天文学家可以在白天观测,而光学天文学家的绝大多数观测只能在夜晚进行? Why can radio astronomers observe during the day, whereas optical astronomers are (for the most part) limited to nighttime observing
上一篇:为什么对于有些研究课题使用位于山顶的中等口径望远镜要比使用位于低轨道飞船中的望远镜更好? Why is it better for some purposes to use a medium size telescope on a mountain instead of a telescope on a spaceship at low orbit near the Earth
下一篇:为什么哈勃空间望远镜能够比我们在地面上观测到更暗的天体?What are the reasons why the Hubble Space Telescope is able to observe fainter objects than we can study from the ground
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.年的高空核试验产生了什么样的 2.NASA 发射洞察号火星着陆 3.年旅行者号飞船抵达海王星,将