当我们对论文进行校对时,在Citation部分应该注意以下哪些方面? A.Do you synthesize well from several sources by using appropriate reporting verbs? B.Are you sure that your paraphrasing is rewritten substantially instead of by changing a few words? C.Have all sources been adequately,consistently and correctly in-text referenced? D.Are you sure the direct quotation shoulbe useless anan indenteparagraph useto highlight it if the quotation runs more than two lines?
上一篇:我们有可能对working outline进行以下哪些修改? A.You will choose new topic. B.You will reevaluate topics. C.You will add some topics and delete others. D.You will rearrange the order of topics ansubtopics to facilitate transitions animprove coherence.
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.拖拉机履带板选用 2.《文坛悲歌》的作者是() 3.有关B细胞活化的第一信号的表