You are a project manager who is in charge of an important project for your company. The project is 40 percent complete after three months and has cost $350,000. The budget for the project is $950,000 and is scheduled to last eight months. How is the project performing?你是项目经理,负责贵公司的重要项目。该项目在三个月后完成40%,耗资35万美元。该项目的预算为950 000美元,计划持续8个月。项目的执行情况如何?
A.The project is behind schedule and over budget.项目进度落后,超出预算。
B.The project is ahead of schedule and under budget.该项目提前完成,低于预算。
C.The project is behind schedule and under budget.该项目进度落后,低于预算。
D.The project is ahead of schedule and over budget.该项目提前完成,超出预算。
下一篇:A project manager is estimating the project duration and finds that the only information available to him is a previous project that was quite different from the current one. However, some portions of the previous project were similar to the current one. Which of the following tools is the project manager likely to use to compare current project"s activity durations with the similar previous activities?一个项目经理正在估算项目的持续时间,他发现唯一可以得到的信息是一个以前的项目,这个项目与当前的项目有很大的不同。然而,上一个项目的某些部分与当前项目类似。以下哪个工具是项目经理可能用来比较当前项目的活动时间和以前类似的活动时间的工具?
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