以下哪种行为会导致感染或传播病毒?Which of the following behaviors can cause infection or spread of viruses?
A.关闭不使用的端口 Close unused ports
B.下载并安装未知来源的软件 Download and install software from unknown sources
C.升级病毒库 Upgrade virus database
D.安装终端控制软件 Install terminal control software
上一篇:以下哪项内容能够防范社会工程学的攻击?Which of the following can prevent social engineering attacks?
下一篇:如果您接触到单位的外包/第三方人员,您是否会因为工作需要把密码告知为您服务的第三方人员?If you come into contact with the outsourcing/third-party personnel of your unit, will you inform the third-party personnel of your service about your password because of work needs?
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- 热门题目: 1.引起盆腔炎症常见的病原菌有哪 2.母乳喂养的好处下列描述正确的 3.治疗单纯急性淋病奈瑟菌引起的