如果您接触到单位的外包/第三方人员,您是否会因为工作需要把密码告知为您服务的第三方人员?If you come into contact with the outsourcing/third-party personnel of your unit, will you inform the third-party personnel of your service about your password because of work needs?
A.会告诉 Will tell
B.不会,自己输入 No, enter it yourself
C.会告诉,第三方使用后自己会更换 Will tell that the third party will replace it after use
D.会告诉,自己会定期修改 Will tell, I will revise regularly
上一篇:以下哪种行为会导致感染或传播病毒?Which of the following behaviors can cause infection or spread of viruses?
下一篇:出差时在机场候机室,需要传输重要文件时,应连接以下哪个 WIFI网络?When you need to transfer important documents in the airport terminal during a business trip, which WIFI network should I connect to?
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.以下哪个抗抑郁药物的半衰期最 2.下列哪项不是参与和协作的表现 3.以下哪一项,最符合 SMAR